- Details
- Category: Submission
- Published on 24 November 2013
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 69193
China Media Research is the first international English-language journal in its field. The journal is intended to bring the results of Chinese media/communication research to the attention of the world, as well as to facilitate, in reciprocal fashion, the acquaintance of scholars within China with media/communication research done outside of China. Therefore, not only papers directly related to all the fields of Chinese media/communication research are desirable, but also thoughtful, pioneering media/communication research papers from any sectors of the world, the acquaintance with which would be useful for media/communication scholars within China, are also welcome. Submissions can be a variety of types; in addition to regular papers, book reviews, investigative reports, opinions/debates, interviews, news items, letters, etc. are all suitable.
Instructions to Authors
(1) Goals: As the first international English-language journal in its field, published in America, and both in print and on the internet, China Media Research is dedicated to the dissemination of updated knowledge of all aspects of Chinese media/communication research and related topics. The main purpose of China Media Research is to serve as a bridge between Chinese and world media/communication studies, therewith to promote global harmony.
(2) Publication schedule: quarterly.
(3) Who may contribute: We welcome submissions from academic scholars, as well as from experts from any relevant fields. Contributors may be of any national, racial, or ethnic identity.
(4) Kinds of submissions: Submissions can be a variety of types; in addition to regular papers, book reviews, investigative reports, opinions/debates, interviews, news items, letters, etc. are all suitable.
(5) Publication costs: At present there is no publication charge for papers accepted. Nor is there any honorarium paid to authors. However, for accepted papers originally written in Chinese, and which will be translated into English, there will be a translation charge. For details contact China Media Research editorial office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
(6) Subscription to the journal: The subscription fee for the journal is US $80 per year. Make check or money order payable to Edmondson Intercultural Enterprises, and mail to the address: P. O. Box 1324, East Lansing, MI 48826-1324, USA
(7) Journal copies delivered gratis to authors: One hard copy of the journal will be provided free of charge to each author.
(8) Additional copies available to authors: Authors can purchase offprints at the price of US $5 each, and additional hard copies of the journal at US $10 each (50% of the normal price), mailing and handling costs not included.
(9) Other distribution of the journal: In addition to subscriptions, China Media Research currently distributes free of charge to selected institutions. Meanwhile a web version of the journal is accessible worldwide with US$5/ paper download. The contents of each journal are also distributed through EBSCO, and GALE, and Asia Studies, etc. in order to broaden our readership.
(10) Advertisements: Suitable advertisements will be placed. The price will be calculated at US$800/page; thus: $400 for a half page, $200 for a quarter page, etc.
(1) Submission methods: Electronic submission through e-mail is encouraged. Authors should email an electronic copy of their completed manuscript to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . In cases where electronic submission presents a hardship, a hard copy accompanied by text-data on an IBM-formatted computer diskette would also be acceptable. Hard-copy submissions should be sent either to Editorial Office in USA, CHINA MEDIA RESEARCH, P. O. Box 1324, East Lansing, MI 48826-1324, USA; or to Editorial Office in China, CHINA MEDIA RESEARCH, Communication Studies Institute, Zhejiang University, 34 Tianmushan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310028, China. Contributions must not be simultaneously submitted to other journals. China Media Research follows a policy of blind peer review. To facilitate this review, a separate title page without identifying information should be provided for each manuscript copy. The procedure should normally take one to three months.
(2) Software: Microsoft Word files (.doc).
(3) Font: Use Times New Roman, 10-point, single-spaced; put in boldface type the title and subtitles, e.g. “New Research Findings”.
(4) Paragraph indentations: Indent four spaces at the beginning of each new paragraph.
(5) Text format: Use the default for Word. Do not use
“Footnote” or “Header/Footer” features of the word-processor.
(6) Cover page: Besides the full title, put another short title and detailed information about authors on the cover page.
(7) Captions of graphs, figures and tables: You may use charts, graphs, and other graphics characteristically associated with Word, your processing software. Use the full words “Figure” and “Table”, e.g. “Figure 1.
Annual Income of Different Groups”, “Table 1. Annual Increase of Investment”.
(8) References: Use new version of the APA style. In the text, cite references by an author’s last name and the year of publication, e.g. “(Smith, 2003)”. The list of references at the end of the paper should include, for each item, all the authors’ last names and initials, the title of the item, and all the details needed to find it, as in the following examples:
[Journal article:] Bond, M. H. (1993). Emotions and their expression in Chinese culture. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 17, 245-262.
[Book chapter:] Mody, B., & Anselm, L. (2002). Differing traditions of research on international media influence. In W. B. Gudykunst & B. Mody (Eds.), Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication (pp. 381-398). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
(9) Paper length: Papers should ideally be within 35 double-spaced pages, including references and tables. However, longer papers may in special cases be acceptable.
(10) Submission addresses and telephone numbers of the editorial offices:
Online: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Postal: Editorial Office in USA
P. O. Box 1324
East Lansing, MI 48826-1324, USA
Telephone: (203)-947-2389
Editorial Office in China
Communication Studies Institute
Zhejiang University
34 Tianmushan Road
Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310028, China
Telephone: 86-571-8796-9884
It is suggested that each manuscript include the following components, unless the authors have good reasons for doing it in some other way:
(1) Cover page: Include the complete article title; each author’s full name; the names and locations of the institution(s) with which each author is affiliated; and a name, complete mailing address, telephone number, fax number (if available) and e-mail address for all correspondence.
(2) Abstract
(3) Keywords
(4) Text
(5) References
Books to be considered for review should be sent to Prof. Jie Li, Book Review Editor of CHINA MEDIA RESEARCH, Vice Dean of Communication Studies Institute, Zhejiang University, 34 Tianmushan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310028, China.
Individuals wishing to review books should indicate their choices and qualifications to Prof. Peiren Shao, Dean of Communication Studies Institute, Zhejiang University, 34 Tianmushan Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310028, China.
V. DISCLAIMER: Statements of fact or opinion published in the journal are those of the contributors alone, and not of the American Chinese Media Research Association, the Institute of Communication Studies of Zhejiang University, or CHINA MEDIA RESEARCH, none of which makes any representation concerning the accuracy of the material presented in the journal, and none of which can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions in that material.
VI. COPYRIGHT: A condition of publication in the journal is that authors assign copyright to CHINA MEDIA RESEARCH. All rights are reserved: no part of this journal may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission. For information on how to request permission to reproduce
material from the journal visit
For more detailed information please visit the journal’s website at
The photos on the front and back covers were taken by Sujiagunseng, from Wenxue City.